Litter Box Guidelines For Your New Kitten

Cats are easily litter box trained, but very particular about their litter box environment. The following guidelines are designed to create a positive litter box environment for your cat and discourage house soiling behaviors. There are many reasons a cat may avoid using the litter box, some of which are medical. If you are having trouble with your cat displaying house soiling behaviors, please call for an appointment to evaluate your cat’s urinary health.

  • Have at least one litter box per cat in the household. Rule of thumb is one more litter box than the number of cats in the house.
  • Scoop the litter box twice a day and make sure the litter is deep enough in the box (2-3 inches deep).
  • Choose one type of litter and stay with that brand and type. Scoopable non deodorizing litter is often the best choice.
  • Make sure the litter box is large and easy for the whole cat to fit into comfortably.
  • Avoid using covered litter boxes.
  • Avoid putting the litter box in an enclosed closet or cabinet.
  • Place the litter box in an area that is easy for the cat to access comfortably and conveniently.
  • Avoid placing the food and water next to the litter box.
  • Do not move the litter box once you have established an area where your cat has been using it successfully.
  • Completely change and scrub out the litter box with soap and water every 2-4 weeks.
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